Syndrome Description
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Megalencephaly (enlarged brain) | 19 |
Brain continuously enlarging over time | 14 |
Hemimegalencephaly (enlarged brain with one side larger than the other) | 10 |
Hemimegalencephaly progressing over time | 4 |
Right side of brain larger than left | 7 |
Left side of brain larger than right | 6 |
Cerebral cortex abnormality | 6 |
Dilated ventricles (ventriculomegaly) | 20 |
Venous sinus thrombosis | 2 |
Dilated venous sinuses | 3 |
Obstructive hydrocephalus | 13 |
Non-obstructive hydropcephalus | 7 |
Thin corpus callosum | 2 |
Thick corpus callosum | 8 |
Enlarged cerebellum | 9 |
Cerebellum growing progressively larger over time | 9 |
Dilated perivascular spaces | 0 |
Frontal lobe atrophy | 1 |
Cerebral atrophy | 1 |
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation (acquired protrusion of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum) | 16 |
Ectopic cerebellar tonsils | 3 |
Chiari I malformation (born with protrusion of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum) | 14 |
Cavum vergae | 2 |
Cavum septum pellucidum | 4 |
Septum pellucidum cyst | 1 |
Choroid plexus cyst(s) | 0 |
Cystic abnormalities in white matter | 6 |
Delayed myelination (absence of white matter) | 6 |
White matter hyperintensities | 3 |
Blood vessels extending through periventricular white matter | 0 |
Heterotopic grey matter | 1 |
Polymicrogyria (excessive amount of folds on the brain) | 11 |
Pachygyria (thickening of folds of the brain) | 0 |
Poor gyral formation | 1 |
Macrogyric convolutions | 0 |
Wide sylvian fissures | 0 |
Blocked blood flow in brain | 0 |
Gliosis | 2 |
Cerebral calcifications | 0 |
Optic nerve hydrops (accumulation of fluid around the optic nerve) | 0 |
Thickened optic nerves | 1 |
Prominent optic nerve | 0 |
Optic nerve atrophy | 0 |
Hydromyelia (dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord) | 0 |
Syrinyx development (cyst on spinal cord) | 3 |
Other significant skin symptoms:
Macrocephaly | 38 |
Abnormal head shape | 23 |
Prominent forehead (frontal bossing) | 31 |
Small posterior fossa | 3 |
Craniosynostosis (premature fusing of cranial sutures) | 2 |
Increased intracranial pressure | 12 |
Other skull symptoms:
Apnea | 14 |
Difficulty controlling eye movements | 13 |
Lethargy | 13 |
Neck pain | 6 |
Balance problems | 20 |
Muscle weakness | 26 |
Numbness | 1 |
Tingling in arms or legs | 1 |
Clonus | 5 |
Vision problems | 11 |
Difficulty swallowing | 11 |
Ringing or buzzing in the ears | 4 |
Hearing loss | 0 |
Vomiting | 6 |
Insomnia | 6 |
Changes in fine motor skills | 8 |
Depression | 1 |
Other brainstem abnormalities:
Yes | 11 |
No | 30 |
Unsure | 0 |
Hypotonia (low muscle tone) | 35 |
Hypertonia (high muscle tone) | 1 |
Hypotonia resolved after time | 4 |
Other muscle symptoms:
Seizures | 15 |
Headache | 6 |
Lethargy | 11 |
Ischemic attacks or strokes | 0 |
Thromboembolic events | 0 |
Facial Nerve Palsy | 2 |
Hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) | 0 |
Cerebral palsy | 2 |
Regression/loss of skills | 6 |
Poor coordination | 16 |
Dizzy spells | 1 |
Trouble sleeping | 9 |
Change in appetite | 3 |
Fatigue | 7 |
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